This month we experienced a beautiful “Winter Wonderland” in Jasper, GA. Ms. Ali, Ms. Jane and Ms. Robin were able to trek out in the snow and take some gorgeous photos of our campus. You can view some of their photos in our Facebook album by clicking here. Many of them truly look like Christmas card pictures. These pictures remind us of how God has truly blessed us with a beautiful campus as He is continuing to grow our ministry. We are thankful this time of year, and always, for our wonderful supporters that have been there for us through 2017. This ministry could not do what we do without the many individuals that God uses to make us effective in bringing glory to God as we work to provide restorative care for struggling teens, families and individuals. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to continuing on in this mission together in 2018.

Merry Christmas from our homes to yours! Thank you for supporting us in 2017!