April E-News

April E-News

[tpath_button url=”https://losapwkl.elementor.cloud/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/2018-0430The-Joy-House-E-News-1.pdf” style=”default” size=”default” color=”” hover_color=”” bg_color=””...
April E-News

March E-News

[tpath_button url=”https://losapwkl.elementor.cloud/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/The-Joy-House-E-News-March2018.pdf” style=”default” size=”default” color=”” hover_color=”” bg_color=””...
Exciting Staff Changes

Exciting Staff Changes

With the new year, we have some exciting new transitions within our team at The Joy House. In August we announced that the Metcalfs, who have been on staff since 2014, would be transitioning out of their houseparenting role. They were able to fully transition out of...
Year-end Giving Instructions

Year-end Giving Instructions

If you are mailing a gift it must be postmarked no later than December 31, 2017. If you want to donate online, you may do so by going to thejoyhouse.org and clicking on “Give.” You can make donations online until midnight on December 31, 2017. If you want to give the...
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

This month we experienced a beautiful “Winter Wonderland” in Jasper, GA. Ms. Ali, Ms. Jane and Ms. Robin were able to trek out in the snow and take some gorgeous photos of our campus. You can view some of their photos in our Facebook album by clicking...